Image of freshly coated Belle Toffee

special people can help meet the growing demand for our unique toffee

NEO Kickoff 2018

Belle Toffee is a family candy company that creates amazing toffee by hand with just a few simple ingredients. The recipe is based on our Aunt Ida Belle’s original 1950s creation. It has been perfected over the last 6-plus decades, and our commitment to product quality and the community that supports our work has not wavered.

We believe hand production in small batches is essential to maintaining our high standards and unique product. So, how do we continue to meet growing demand while remaining true to the spirit of Aunt Ida Belle?

Special Needs Community to the Rescue
Like many families, the Belle Toffee family includes members with special needs. At a recent family roundtable, the answer became clear: we will include this unique and special community to help create the unique and special product.

We plan to leverage the patience, unique skills, and dedication of the special needs community to help produce and package toffee. Everyone will have appropriate support and supervision to maintain food safety and the special qualities of the toffee.

We know first-hand these special people will love being a productive part of the community and take great pride in their work.

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